Here we have the answers to all your Uproar Vegan Store queries!


Are all of your prod­ucts Ve­g­an? 

Yes, ev­ery item we sell at Uproar is 100% Ve­g­an. None of the products we sell con­tain any an­i­mal in­gre­di­ents or deri­va­tives and are never test­ed on an­i­mals.

While many of our products are manufactured in 100% vegan facilities, some may occasionally be manufactured in factories or on equipment that also process animal products, and will contain allergen warnings like “may contain traces of dairy”. In such instances this means that dairy is not an added ingredient but that trace amounts may have come in contact with the food due to cross contamination, this is a warning intended for people with severe allergies. It is up to the individual whether they wish to avoid these products and they will be labelled as such in the item descriptions.

What about al­ler­gens?
Some of our products may also con­tain al­ler­gens such as Nuts and Gluten. Please use or­d­i­nary cau­tion when read­ing la­bels on prod­ucts and if you are un­sure if a prod­uct con­tains an al­ler­gen, please con­tact us pri­or to mak­ing your purchase.

Why don’t you stock the full range of certain brands?

Not all of the products in a brand’s range may be vegan, and thus, we only stock the 100% Vegan options available. We also strive to offer products that are most popular with consumers, and carefully select and prioritise options that we know everyone will love.

Is there a minimum order?

No, there is no minimum order on the Uproar store. Do keep in mind that it is more economical from a postage point of view to purchase multiple items at once.


Can I pick up my order?

If you are able to pick up your order from St Kilda, Victoria during office hours you are welcome to contact us to organise order pick up and avoid postage costs.

Do you ship outside of Australia?

We currently only offer shipping within Australia. Please contact us if you would like to make special arrangements for an international purchase.

What currency are your items priced in?

All items on the Uproar store are listed in Australian dollars (AUD).

Do you have a re­tail store or are you strict­ly an on­line mail-or­der busi­ness?

We do not cur­rent­ly have a re­tail store though you can regularly find us at events like the Spring Vegan Festival and World Vegan Day.

How can I pay for my or­der?

Our pay­ments are all pro­cessed through Pay­pal, how­ev­er, you may pay with a cred­it or deb­it card with­out hav­ing a Pay­pal ac­count. We ac­cept Visa, Mas­ter­Card, and Amex.

What if some­thing is out of stock?
If an item is out of stock, we will list it as tem­porar­i­ly out of stock. We en­deav­our to al­ways have items in stock for your con­ve­nience, how­ev­er, oc­ca­sio­n­al­ly if a sup­pli­er is out of stock or there are shipping delays, stock may take longer to ar­rive. In the unlikely event that an item runs out of stock once you have lodged your or­der, we will con­tact you prompt­ly to ei­ther of­fer a re­fund of the item(s) or a re­place­ment of equal val­ue. Alternatively, you may opt to delay the shipment of your order until new stock has arrived. This is entirely up to you, and we will be happy to accommodate your requests.

How much will pos­tage and han­dling cost?
The to­tal pos­tage and han­dling cost for your or­der will be cal­cu­lat­ed and dis­played au­to­mat­i­cal­ly when you en­ter your de­liv­ery post­code in­to the shop­ping cart. The pos­tage and han­dling costs are cal­cu­lat­ed based on weight, pack­age di­men­sions and lo­ca­tion, and will vary according to your location and the number of products you have ordered. You can always check how much the shipping costs are going to add up to before paying for your order.

Will I re­ceive a con­fir­ma­tion e-mail and track­ing in­for­ma­tion?
An email confirmation and Pay­Pal re­ceipt is au­to­mat­i­cal­ly e-mailed to you as soon as your or­der is com­plet­ed. Once you have re­ceived confirmation of your order, you can rest as­sured that we have re­ceived your or­der and are busy processing it. All or­ders are post­ed via track­able mail. If your or­der is tak­ing longer to arrive than an­ti­ci­pat­ed, we will be happy to pro­vide your track­ing num­ber up­on re­quest.

How long will it take for my or­der to ar­rive?
Or­ders are pro­cessed and post­ed within one to two work­ing days of your pay­ment clear­ing. For an es­ti­mate of de­liv­ery time, please en­ter the ap­prox­i­mate de­tails of your or­der in­to this Aus­tralia Post ship­ping cal­cu­la­tor. Items are post­ed from postcode 3182 and sent via Par­cel Post.

My or­der hasn’t ar­rived. What should I do?
Be­fore con­tact­ing us to enquire as to where your or­der is, please see the above link for an es­ti­mate of de­liv­ery time to en­sure that your order may not still be in tran­sit. Please al­so dou­ble check that you have pro­vid­ed us with your cor­rect pos­tal ad­dress and con­tact your lo­cal post of­fice to en­sure that your package is not being held at their facility.

On occasion, Aus­tralia Post may encounter delays and take longer to deliver items, especially if it is a public holiday or a peak period such as Christmas. If you still have not received your order be­yond a rea­son­able time and you are concerned that some­thing may have hap­pened to your or­der, please con­tact us so that we can check the tracking information and launch an investigation if necessary.

How do I contact Uproar?
If you have any questions not answered here, please visit our contact page and send us a message. We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Privacy and Returns

What is your pol­i­cy on in­for­ma­tion shar­ing/pri­va­cy?

We do not ev­er give out any per­so­n­al de­tails you pro­vide to us. Rest as­sured your pri­va­cy is pro­tect­ed.

What are your re­turn poli­cies?

Uproar is happy to refund any products purchased as long as they are returned to us un-opened, un-used and in perfect condition within 1 week of purchase. Refunds will be refunded to the account from which you paid. Please note that any products that have been opened, used or damaged will not be refunded.